We will immerse ourselves in the imposingly peaceful Buddhist and Hindu temples and holy sites present throughout the country. We will also spend a few days in a remote Nepali community working with school children and community leaders offering a cultural exchange and lasting service contributions. We will hike in the shadows of seven of the world’s highest mountains, which is as inspiring as it is humbling. Over 35 different ethnic groups call Nepal home. The result is a quilt of religions, languages, cultures, and foods that will tantalize and inspire. The beauty and serenity of the people, buildings, and of course the mountains and outdoors will have a lasting positive effect on all.
Students will build relationships with school children and community leaders in order to better understand alternate perspectives and solutions to local and global issues.
Students will honor tradition and delve into understanding the 35 spiritual and religious ethnic groups who call Nepal home.
We're happy to help answer any questions you might have about a trip to Nepal: Accommodations, Meals, Flights, Activites, Itinerary and more!
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