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Fat Biking – you should try!

December 10, 2015

With temperatures below zero and a fresh layer of snow on the ground, you thought that the mountain biking season was through for the year.


Well, you thought wrong.


Fat Biking has made its introduction into the industry, enticing mountain bikers to continue their training throughout the winter months.


Between the frozen river-crossings and snow-covered trails, Fat Biking has turned the sport of mountain biking into a year-round activity.


For all you adrenaline-seekers thinking of giving this sport a go. Here’s 5 reasons why we think you should GO FOR IT.



  • It Feels Totally Different To Mountain Biking

Fat Bike tires allow you to tackle any terrain that gets thrown at you. Just when you thought you had

become unstoppable on your mountain bike, fat biking came along and blew you out of the waters.

Don’t just glide over rocky, rugged and root-filled terrain – but also carve through the fresh snow on the



Fat Biking doesn’t only feel different because of the level of ease delivered by the tires. It also feels

different because the pace is much slower than that of Mountain Biking. In the summer months you

may speed along the trail, with nothing but your target distance:time ratio in mind.  On a Fat Bike, the

experience is much different. Working just as hard, for a much different type of reward. Appreciate the

scenery, while you work up the same sweat you would darting trees and making sharp turns in


  • The Landscapes are Unreal

It is pleasure to pedal through a winter scenery. The snow atop the trees can make your favourite

summer route turn into a winter wonderland. Experience the beauty of the outdoors without having to

suffer from the cold. Get your blood pumping while you bike along your chosen bike path, and keep

your adrenaline pumping as you witness the spectacular views.



  • It Is a Way to Warm Up in the Cold Winter Months

Winter tends to be about one thing, and one thing only: cold.

Don’t let that get you down. Warm up on your bike ride, as you get outdoors appreciating the snow.

  • Stay Active in Winter, and Stay in Shape for the Summer Biking Season

Got some intense biking buddies you were just never able to keep up with? Well here is your chance to

stay in shape during the winter, so that when summer rolls around, you can lead the biking pack




  • Learn the Route

Not only does Fat Biking get you out and exercising when you normally would be cozied up on the

couch with an seemingly endless pot of hot chocolate sitting on the stove, but also, it forces you to learn

your biking route from a whole new perspective.

Following tracks on the ground can get difficult after a fresh snowfall. Learn your route based on the

trees that mark the path and the views that serve as beautiful pit stops. Don’t rely on watching the floor,

but instead take the opportunity to appreciate your surrounding


Want to give it a go? We’ve added it to our list of activities featured on our Ottawa trip!

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