As the grass starts to turn a colour closer to green and the sun takes off its huge winter parka, we can start to day dream about the trips that summer allows…
Whether its a European adventure or a “staycation” closer to home, getting out of the house and into the world is the main goal.

Here are five reasons why you should plan a getaway:
1. It is flexible (and so can you!)
Whether it is a month, a weekend, or even a couple of hours, a get away is just that: something that gets you away from the usual. It’s not saying your usual is bad, just that something new can make you appreciate everything a little bit more. If you want to go on a Tuesday, vacations don’t mind. You want to leave in the middle of the day? VACATIONS DON’T MIND! You are the master of your vacation. You control its every move. So have fun with it!
2. It shows you things…
Mountains, the ocean, animals, strange-looking animals, a side of your grandmother you never wanted to see. These are all things that could be yours if you go on a trip with yourself, other people, or your neighbour’s dog. Pictures of these places, whether near or far from you
3. They can involve the whole family! (or absolutely none of the family)
Do you want to know your family better? Let little Jimmy see the world, or at least past the end of the street? Or maybe the family is what you want to get away from? Whatever your family situation, getaways are the answer.
4. Because you deserve a chance to catch-up on some Vitamin D
SUN! THE SUN IS HERE! USE IT! You can bask in it, relax in it, soak it up, and get burned by it. Just pack some sunscreen, and let those vitamins that the sun brings soak into your deprived Canadian skin.
5. It is something to look forward to
In an age of binge-watching television and on-demand life, we have lost the thrill of waiting for things. Looking forward to the next exciting chapter of our favourite show might be gone, but getting excited for the next amazing adventure in your life is always an option. It’s the thing that makes stress melt away (“Just one more week, then I’m on a beach”), and the thing that you can reminisce about for years (“remember that time we relaxed on a beach?”). It perches on your calendar, making sure you know good times are on their way.
Sometimes the best adventures are much closer to your backyard than you think. Become a tourist in your city for a day! Drive an hour to end up in a desert! Climb a tree and throw old eggs at nearby houses!
One thing is for sure: the only bad vacation is one you never take.