Check out these innovative apps to make your life easier on your next travel out of town.
TripLingo teaches your the essential lingo and slang of the area you are traveling to. This app is essential if you want to embrace the culture of the locals at your next destination.

2. Tab Money
Tab Money allows you to make payments using your mobile device. It quotes prices in your home currency and lets you carry less cash around. The fees charged are generally lower than credit card fees, and the app has a cash back feature so that you can skip roaming ATM costs.

3. Cloak
Are you addicted to Netflix or other online streaming sites? Traveling to a new country does not have to disrupt your viewing habits. Cloak is an app that allows you to sign into your favorite streaming site while keeping your browser’s location as your home country. It is a VPN that masks your location to allow you to keep viewing as you would back home. This way your selection of what to watch is not limited by your zoning.
Check it our here.
You might confuse this app with another cool new program also called Cloak. This other application scans your social media accounts and your contacts’ locations to tell you who is hanging out nearby.
4. Tripr
The Tinder for travelers.
This app connects you with people nearby. It works like the couchsurfing app to create platonic meetups and coffee dates. This is an app aimed towards forming friendships not romantic relationships like Tinder does.