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5 Reasons La Rambla is the Greatest Street on Earth

March 24, 2015

How many reasons do you need to be convinced that La Rambla is the greatest street on earth? I’m going to start with five, and if you still don’t believe me, I suggest you go there to do some hands-on research.

1. It is in Barcelona

This means it is also in Spain. Which then also means it is awesome. Think warm sun, the biggest beaches your eyes have ever gazed upon, and as many tapas as you can get your hands on. What’s not to love? I mean, -40 degrees outside is fun for a day, but after that we all just want Spain.

2. It has a middle promenade full of souvenirs, food, and artists

It’s basically like getting two streets in one. You have so much more space for activities, including dining on a patio, having your portrait drawn, and watching acrobats do things you didn’t know a body was capable of. For added bonus points that aren’t even needed, La Rambla decided to put torches around the dining area so you don’t get chilly in your bathing suit.

3. It has the best market

The Boqueria (St. Joseph’s Market) is probably definitely the best fruit, vegetable, juice, candy, fish, popsicle, meat, and everything edible market that you’ll find in all of Spain. It is lively all day, more fresh than the definition of fresh, and you did read it right: I said popsicle.

la rmabla 2

4. It’s open late!

La Rambla is a place that never closes. Part of this is because of the Spanish culture: a lot of shops close for the early afternoon, generally regarded as the hottest part of the day, and re-open for the early evening. That means you don’t have to be weirded out by seeing a young couple taking a walk with their newborn at 11 p.m. It’s all just kind of expected here.

5. It starts on the beach and ends at the main square

What is this, the yellow brick road? May as well be, because where else can you go from sand, to a statue of Christopher Columbus (who is pointing in the wrong direction, as is typical for Columbus), to artists, markets, and then end up in Placa Cataluna: the city’s main square? WHERE ELSE?

La Rambla is a good place to go if you don’t have anywhere else to go, because there is always something new happening. Basically, if you have nothing better to do, you should just pop on over to Barcelona.

la rambla


Say “Hi” to Rambla for me. It’ll know what I mean.

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