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Educational Travel Trends – How have our trips grown?

February 11, 2022

Evolve Tours is coming back wiser, better and ready to learn while having fun. What are we most excited about delivering during our trips?

Supporting communities

We have always preferred to visit community run restaurants, learn about and visit local organizations and stay in authentic accommodation. We don’t want our groups to be just another tour bus passing through town, we love the feeling that our time in the places we visit is a win for local communities and for our students and teachers.

We’re asking our partners and suppliers what they need from us now, and we’re teaching what we learn from them to our groups. We love to integrate our intentions for sustainable travel into what our students learn from their experiences. We’re so excited to get back to these wonderful places. It’s our responsibility to curate tours that make sustainability and having a positive impact our priority. We promise to keep learning and doing what we can to be the best educational travel company we can be.

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Disconnecting from our devices

Our students more than anyone right now are feeling the benefit of being off screen, observing the world around them and learning from doing. It can be hard for kids and teachers alike to get away from technology. When you’re taking a surf class in Costa Rica, cooking with real Japanese chefs or coming face to face with an Iguana, we promise that you won’t be thinking about your phone. We hear over and over how much our participants love taking a break from electronics. It’s good for the mind, soul, eyes and neck!

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We’re ready to deliver all the personal development that comes from educational travel

Looking after our minds and bodies

As we emerge from covid hibernation, we are being very intentional on our tours about self care. We’re more dedicated than ever to find healthy sustainable food options, and to teach our groups about what we’re eating.

We’re inviting gentle energetic activities into our tour days and starting out with a stretch sesh. Most importantly we are checking in with each other about how we feel and what we need. Our guides are also experienced facilitators that want to create space to talk about mental health and well-being, and we are refueling ourselves with gratitude and joy.

Tips For Group Travel

Thinking deeper

Preparing our minds to be inspired, encouraging engagement and reflection are woven into the fibers of all Evolve trips thanks to the fantastic facilitation skills of our tour guides. Using tools, conversation and being intentional about our educational outcomes can enable us to derive so much more from our time outside our homes.

There is so much to be gained when we think deeper about our travel, and when we challenge ourselves. What was it about the middle England that inspired Shakespear? How do our perceptions change when we hear Mexican history from a Mayan? What happened in Japan to make their food sooooo delicious? Now we are seeing the world again, we’re encouraging our groups to take time to think deeply about, and appreciate it all!

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Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun

– Nina Dobrev


Holy moly it feels good to run around and laugh with friends doesn’t it? We certainly need to refill our fun banks. But who will have the most fun … the students? … teachers? … our tour guides? Are we even ready for all the fun we’ll have on your next Evolve trip? … Yes. The answer is definitely yes. Give me all the fun please.

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