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5 great questions to ask when planning a school trip

August 31, 2022

Planning a school trip but don’t know where to start?

Struggling for inspiration? Worried that students and parents won’t get board with your plans? Daunted by all the destination options?  Planning a school trip can seem daunting. The paperwork, parent meetings, booking flights and that’s before you’ve even left home! Fortunately, experienced education travel companies like ours deal with that for you. Really all you have to decide is where you want to go, why and when!

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself, your colleagues and your students to help you take the first steps for school trip planning

What’s your motivation?

Sure you want to see the sights, but what else do you want from your trip?  School trips are formative experiences for young adults. We see students (and teachers!) develop as leaders, and grow as a team on every trip. Their experience can be heightened with service learning projects, cultural immersion programs and adventurous activities. Leaving time in the itinerary for self reflection, and to integrate some expert facilitation and team building by our leaders should be a must wherever you travel.

Where do your students want to go?

Getting your classes input in the planning process is the first step in them taking ownership of their trip experience. And they’ll feel more motivated when they are living the experience they have helped create! Industrious teaching at its best.

Who should you bring?

Choosing a great team of teachers who are motivated to travel and soak in the experience will help ensure a successful trip. Travel is such a fantastic way to find magical teachable moments for teachers of every subject. Moreover, it invigorates teachers when they return to the classroom.

When should you go?

It’s hard to beat an end of year school trip. However a January jaunt can boost you through your winter blues (and it’s the best time to see Icelandic Northern Lights!). A March motivational getaway can provide sunshine and inspiration to last through to summer and beyond. An April adventure can ease you back to the classroom after Easter break.

How far should you go?

The world is full of tantalizing destinations – It’s also very big. Flights can be expensive and they eat away at valuable trip time! Many of our favorite destinations like the Yucatan, Iceland, Costa Rica and Quebec are less than a few hours away! And don’t forget, there are incredible experiences on your doorstep.

We’ll help you find them!

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